Sanket Sudake
1 min readOct 17, 2016

My Celery Notes

  1. Don’t use database as your AMQP broker
  2. Use more queues
  3. User priority workers
  4. Use celery’s error holding mechanism
  5. Use Flower
  6. Keep track of results only if you really need them
  7. Dont pass ORM object to task, pass id instead
  8. Revoking tasks
  9. Task Canvas
  10. celery batches
  11. flower, jobtastic, django admin, cyme
  • Chains — Linking one to another
  • Groups — Execute several task in parallel
  • Chord — Execute a task after a set of tasks has finished
  • Map and starmap — Similar to starmap function
  • Chunks — divide an iterable of work into chunks
  • Chunks + Chord/Chain — Can be used to map reduce

virtual hosts, exchanges, queues and bindings